Register for IF:2024!
epic church
May 4, 2024
10am - 5pm
Ticket Price - $20 (includes lunch)
early bird pricing through April 7 - $15
IF:Gathering is coming to Epic Church on May 4!
At IF:Gathering this year, we want to create the opportunity for you to experience Jesus.
We want you to remember His character, power, mystery, love and delight. Jesus is our friend, our King, our reason to live fully alive. He fills our longings. He heals our wounds. He saves us from ourselves. He gives us hope when everything else fails us. IF:Gathering is a space for us to remember who Jesus is and why we love him. During this day together, let’s rediscover the person of Jesus, who wants to take us on an adventure toward full life. And then, let’s go give Him away to the whole world.
IF:Gathering is a way for women of all seasons to gather in their local communities and churches to be equipped and inspired to live out their calling. IF:2024 gatherings are happening in cities all over the world, in over 3,500 locations. Women everywhere are uniting in faith to see what God has in store.
We have a line-up of amazing speakers, inspiring worship, and most of all, a community of women who love to cheer each other on. Grab a friend and join us! You don’t want to miss this!
“I have come that you may have life and have it to the full.”
What is [IF:] ?
IF:Gathering exists to equip women with gospel-centered resources, events, and community so that they may learn about who God is and disciple other women right where they are. Since 2014, IF:Gathering has reached over one million women in 140 countries.
The name “IF” was inspired by the question, “IF GOD IS REAL… THEN WHAT?” If we believe that God is real, what should that change about the way we live? The answer to this question led to the vision of IF:Gathering, to disciple a generation.